Wednesday 3 October 2012

Thoughts on Job Hunting...

So, it's been a while since I thought of writing something for the blog. But job hunting has pretty much taken over my life these days. Well, not completely, I do manage to escape on occasion, and mostly that occasion is my man. But otherwise, well, wake up, switch on the computer, snuggle up with a cuppa tea and search for jobs online. I am still convinced that I will find a job soon, after all, I am sure I would be an asset with my experience, and I am certainly extremely adaptable, plus I love learning, so whatever comes along, I can learn to do it. Unfortunately, how do you get those HR people to realise that from the bit of information you send their way? I was sure it's all there, and they should see it. But apparently my way of self-advertising is not yet using the right keywords. I find myself at a loss there, though, cause what is it they want to hear? I've been applying for jobs that I am more than qualified and experienced to do, granted, some of them were quite a bit down the ladder again, so I can see how they might think I'd be jumping ship first opportunity I got. Maybe I should just say that all I want is a job that pays the bills and leaves me enough time to get home and write? But then I am not showing enough enthusiasm for the role again, aren't I? However you turn it, something always is wrong...
Well, what can I do? I will go on looking, and so far I am still convinced that my next job is just around the corner! Starting job-hunting in summer, and the Olympic summer at that, was certainly not the brightest idea. So, employers, here I am! Take me! Because, despite my sometimes a bit stubborn views of what is best I really want to work, and I really want to work as well as I possibly can, and learn and expand my knowledge. Take me!!   

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