Friday 12 October 2012

More Music for Life!

Music was my first love and it will be my last... or how did that song go again? Anyway, I love music. I have been ecstatic about music. I miss those teenage days where music was all important and so powerful that a song could completely overwhelm me. I miss the emotion behind it...
But even now, I live with music, I have a life soundtrack that hums in my mind, if not otherwise, as just now, on I Tunes while I type... It is quite interesting to see what songs suddenly pop into my mind in certain situations, mostly triggered by a word I heard or read, or a fragment of melody I came across. 
Despite all this, there is still another level to music when you sit down and play it yourself. I have my flute with me, and have started again to play quite regularly. Not seriously as I used to, back when I took lessons and was supposed to practice at least an hour each day. Which basically meant that I was VERY good at reading from the sheet without ever having practiced that piece before. But I did play quite often, with the school orchestras and with friends, and it is just such a wonderful feeling when you feel the music coming together and forming one whole piece of art. 
For myself I play quite often just to relax, take my mind of things, and just flow with the melody. A kind of meditation, if you will. Especially with the flute that works very well, since you have to breathe with the music, and breathe deeply at that. It relaxes. It calms me down. It puts things in perspective. And it may annoy my neighbours, but since nobody has ever said anything, well, tough luck! 
But playing just by myself is just not enough sometimes. So I am really glad to have found a friend who plays the piano. About the same level that I play the flute, luckily, so we can take it just as it is supposed to be: Make some music and have fun! We just checked a little what we have last night, as in sheet music that is, but mainly came to the conclusion that we will need to find some more things. Easy things. Things that have a piano and a flute (or another solo instrument). Because I have a bit of flute music, without the piano part, and she has her piano music, but no solo part for flute. So we have agreed that I will just write out the solo part of The Entertainer for now, that should work, and else we are now officially on the hunt for nice little things on the internet. Coming up to Christmas I am quite sure that there is quite a bit to be found in that line of music. Oh, and I am sure there is a music library in this city, I mean, this is London after all, so I hope to go there and browse their catalogue a bit, see what treasures I come across.  But I am more than happy about any hints and suggestions!
Ah, so glad to be finally making some music again! There is just nothing like it...

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