Monday 21 May 2012

Meeting an old love...

Last weekend I went out to Awajishima, right here in Osaka Bay, with my friend... to her parents' place in the countryside... to get some fresh air and good seafood. And to meet my old love again. 
When we all used to live together in Chochiku House, he was living at the front with the family. I remember the first time we met. I went to chat with my friends in the front flat of the house, and have some tea, and he was there. He was looking at me suspiciously, after all he was living there and I wasn't. It was his place, what was a stranger doing there? But soon after there was a lot of touching and cuddling and dancing... the latter mostly by him. He has a very special happy dance, for when he is, well, happy. He shakes his bottom, then stretches out his legs and wags his head while making some indescribable sounds, something like yapping and neighing and laughing all at once. Oh, and licking of course. He would lick any free stretch of my skin he could reach.  
After that, whenever we met we would just fall over each other in embraces and cuddles. We were in love.
After I moved away and my friend had her second child, he moved out to Awajishima to stay with their parents. Now, six years after, he has become an old man. He is slowly going blind, and one of the legs won't really do what it's supposed to anymore. And his stature is a lot more filled out by now, since he can't walk much, but hangs around the kitchen most of the time where he will always get some snacks and goodies from otousan. But he recognised me instantly, and for the whole time I was there he would not leave my side, and we would again cuddle and he would still do the dance, if all a little more slowly than before.  And he still has the spirit, if not the energy or braveness to follow up on it. But he will surely make known when he is displeased with someone else taking his food. Even if he only grumbles and glares at the culprit, but not shout or hit out at them. Which is, effectively, useless, but he seems to be happy just having made some noise at all.
I am glad I was able to see my love once more. He will probably not be around for much longer anymore, turning older and sicker. Non, I love you, and I miss you already, after  being away from you again for just a day. I will always remember the time we had together!


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