Monday 28 May 2012

Education programme of another kind

The other day I went to Amemura here in Osaka, to meet a friend who was looking for some clothes for her 11 year old son. And in one of those shops I fell in love with a spudmonster t-shirt. No, not the band, the Ghostbusters thingy. You know, the green thing that flies around and eats any food that comes within reach... and slimes on people whenever the fancy takes it... Anyway, having bought the t-shirt and getting home again I was shocked to realise that the kids had no idea what that green thing was! I mean, seriously Ghostbusters! It's basic education! Especially when you are a nine year old boy! The parents knew of it, but never bothered to show him the movie. 
So, first on the agenda was to teach him the Ghostbusters song, which he has almost managed, well, the refrain at least... and with the video came some of the marshmallow man images, and curiosity was at full blast... 
So, the next step was to scout all the Book Off places in the area to find the DVD second hand. And in Kyoto I was lucky, finally, and brought it home. The nine-year-old loved it, of course, I mean, why wouldn't he? Monsters, jokes, action and a lot of slime in between... The five-year-old girl had some more reservations... nothing really cute about it, plus the monsters, so she would just cry out "kowai kowai" (scary scary) most of the time and hide in someones armpit, whoever happened to be nearest. The little two-year-old watched fascinated, some kowai comments in between, but mostly he just pointed at whatever he thought looked exciting...
Well, now they know. And another part of my job is done! Yoisho.

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