Thursday 31 May 2012

Here and there... and everywhere

Does anyone remember that sketch from Sesame Street, where two of those characters - I have no recollection which ones they were but anyway - talk about being HERE and THERE. One keeps asking where she is (I think it was a she...) and the other keeps telling her that she is over THERE while he is over HERE. She desperately wants to be HERE too, so she keeps moving over to where the other stood, while the other moves to her previous location, and is frustrated to find out that she is still over THERE and not HERE. I don't remember how they finally solve the problem, but right now I feel so much like that little one desperate to finally arrive in the HERE, instead of always being THERE. Or rather, in my case I keep wishing I was THERE instead of HERE
I know HERE, well, most of it, and the bits I haven't explored only become apparent with a bit of distance. I keep dreaming of things to come, things I want to do in my life, with my life, places I want to see, people I want to spend time with, things I want to learn or experience... Don't get me wrong, I think this is a good thing, dreaming is one of the most important things, in my book, for each and every person: Once you lose your dreams you lose everything, your motivation, your energy, maybe even your reason for being here in the first place. I can't imagine a life without dreams, for me that is like living death, nothing to aspire to, nothing to work towards, nothing will ever change, constant sameness and no way out. Heck, I believe even lab rats have dreams, why else would they launch at every opportunity they get to escape? I feel sorry for anyone who just resigns themselves to whatever they have been dealt in life. I mean, yes, there will always be things you have to do in order to have the life you lead, sacrifices to be made, barriers you have to overcome, but you should have a reason why you do this. If you hate your job, but you do it because you need the money for your dream, well, go on a bit longer until you have achieved your dream. If you don't have a reason to do a job you hate, quit it! At least that's my way of going about things. And I often feel impatient with people who keep complaining about their lives but don't do anything about it.
Still, how do I get to a point where I am content with one place? At least enough to live there and go to other places to visit? Why is it that I am most interested in seeing what it is like to live somewhere? Just visiting means you stay a visitor, an outsider, just a quick look and you are gone again. I don't want that... but what solution is there? If I was real rich I could just build a couple of homes in different countries and go live wherever I feel like at that moment... lacking those kinds of funds, what to do? I keep telling them I need a Scottie, you know, a machine (or Scottie who operates that machine) that gets me all over the world in a second. Then nothing would matter, I could just decide to have tea with my friend down in Sydney, or try out that new Okonomiyaki place in Osaka I heard of, or come over for dinner at my friend's in Germany... pending that, I guess I will at some point have to settle for one place... I just don't know how to make that decision yet! And the alternative, keep on moving from one place to the next, clashes with my longing for one place, one home, where I can have my stuff around me, my bed, my books, my music... Komatta ne!!! So I just keep waiting for some realisation that finally tells me I am home. And I'm still waiting...

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