Sunday 15 March 2015

Learning to Learn Again...

It has been a while since I wrote anything here... I just couldn't think of anything significant to say, I suppose. I felt my brain was on energy save, and wouldn't come up with many ideas. I decided it was due to too much routine, work, home, a series or two, bed, and then the same again the next day. Nine Inch Nails' Everyday is exactly the same comes to mind... 
So I decided I had to do something. What I really do want to do is find a university course and continue studying, learning more and new things, maybe giving my career a different outlook with additional skills... The problem is: What subject? The things I get excited about are literature, gender studies, history and philosophy, but how does that fit with working in the energy sector? So maybe something more related? But that is so scientific, how will I understand that enough to work with, with my background?
So I decided to test myself. Experiment to do: See how I would do with one of the courses I've been doing online, those MOOCs, offered online, for free, from many universities by now, and instead of just doing a bit here and there, this time I wanted to do it all, go for a certificate, do all the assignments, on time, put the pressure on by adhering to deadlines, and most of all, after such a long break: Learn how to learn again, get the brain back on receptive and processing mode. 
Today I submitted my final exam. I chose a course on sustainability, the German green heart (conditioned to some extend by German politics, granted, but the topic has always been of interest) and the fact it had an interesting-looking energy module determined the choice. It was from an American university (more of a minus, as my interests lie this side of the pond), so slightly too much US-centric (why do I need to know the percentage of hydropower in the annual US energy portfolio and not know what the UK, or the world, is doing?), but nonetheless, I feel I have learned valuable things throughout these past 8 weeks. 
I have learned that my opinion before the course was similar to what I made of the new information gained during the course, just that I have a few more facts to back it up. I have learned not to be too afraid of technical terms, although I am still frightened to death by mathematics, especially when it comes to finance and equations... I just don't get it, my brain is just not suited to the finer points of maths, I do get part of the logic, but for more details I need someone to explain it to me in a language I understand - what I have learned is that I need it very visual, abstract logic will only go so far. Anyway...
I have learned that I still think we are exploiting the planet to our own destruction.
I have learned that is takes a lot of effort, especially besides working, to get all things done. The deadlines in this course were especially tight, but still, it does take effort and discipline, and the sacrifice of many a night where I would've much rather gone with a friend for a drink, or something else, was noticeable.
I made it, and have passed, I have the points together already, even before I know the final score of the exam. So that all worked out well!! 
I have new things to think about, or rather, more arguments to back up my opinions, and have already started talking back when my man tries to convince me when I am not convinced. 
Most of all: I learned to be happy about learning again, using new information to build and rebuild my opinion, and use my brain to think again!! What will come of it I don't know yet. I will see. First, I am glad it is over, and I can have a break!! Next to learn... I will see!  

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