Thursday 30 March 2017

The Greatest Show on Earth

To My Sleeping Baby

As you lie here next to me in your little cot, dreaming of untold things, I watch and wonder. A smile runs over your face, lighting up your cheeks like the sun breaking through a cloud. It is 3am and you have just had your mid-night feed, and now you are back in your little dreamworld. 

As I watch you breathe I wonder who you will grow up to be. What will you like? Will you like reading? Swimming? What will you see once you stand on your own little feet? Where will they take you once you can walk? Will I be with you along the way, when you first take your pitter-patter steps, when you first go to school, when you first get a bra, when you first fall in love?

Your little fist clenches and you wipe your eye, not once surfacing from your dream, and your tiny hand falls back next to you, like a drunk little starfish. As I watch your chest rise with every breath, you stir in your dreams, kicking a foot, turning your head. What do you see in your little dreamworld, I wonder? Which of the things you saw today, heard today, felt today will feature? If they feature at all?

A little sigh escapes your lungs, and your lips move as if you were drinking. You have only been here for such a  short time, and already you have grown so much. Your face, instead of the squashed, pouting newborn face, has taken on your own little features, which run through the range of expressions in your sleep, one after the other.

You stir again and throw your arms around you in a sleepy semaphore, until you have spelled out what was to be said. So here you are now, my little baby girl, deep in your dreams with so much still to come for you. And as I do now, all I can do is sit and watch as you make sense of it all, as you create your own little world, step by step, dream by dream. And I wonder what part of it you will let me share with you. All I know is that every moment will be another act in the wonderful play that is your life.